
Release 18.0.0 (2018-01-02)


  • Fixed compatibility with PyMongo 3.6

Release 17.1.0 (2017-08-11)


  • Memory leak fixed in Collection.bulk_write()
  • Use authSource as auth database if specified in connect uri
  • Compatibility with PyMongo 3.5.0+

Release 16.3.0 (2016-11-25)


  • Full-text indexes can be used with new filter.TEXT()
  • Client authentication by X509 certificates. Use your client certificate when connecting to MongoDB and then call Database.authenticate with certificate subject as username, empty password and mechanism="MONGODB-X509".
  • get_version() to approximate the behaviour of get_version in PyMongo. One noteable exception is the omission of searching by random (unindexed) meta-data which should be considered a bad idea as it may create very variable conditions in terms of loading and timing.
  • New ConnectionPool.drop_database() method for easy and convenient destruction of all your precious data.
  • count() to return the number of versions of any given file in GridFS.

API Changes

  • find(), find_one(), find_with_cursor(), count() and distinct() signatures changed to more closely match PyMongo’s counterparts. New signatures are:

    • find(filter=None, projection=None, skip=0, limit=0, sort=None, **kwargs)
    • find_with_cursor(filter=None, projection=None, skip=0, limit=0, sort=None, **kwargs)
    • find_one(filter=None, projection=None, **kwargs)
    • count(filter=None, **kwargs)
    • distinct(key, filter=None, **kwargs)

    Old signatures are now deprecated and will be supported in this and one subsequent releases. After that only new signatures will be valid.

  • cursor argument to find() is deprecated. Please use find_with_cursor() directly if you need to iterate over results by batches. cursor will be supported in this and one subsequent releases.

  • as_class argument to find(), find_with_cursor() and find_one() is deprecated. Please use ``collection.with_options(codec_options=CodecOptions(document_class=…)).find()` instead. It is lengthty, but it is more generic and this is how you do it with current PyMongo.

  • Database.command() now takes codec_options argument.

  • watchdog_interval and watchdog_timeout arguments of ConnectionPool renamed to ping_interval and ping_timeout correspondingly along with internal change of connection aliveness checking mechanism.


  • GridFS.get_last_version() was creating redundant index

Release 16.2.0 (2016-10-02)


  • Collection.bulk_write() that maches behavior of corresponding PyMongo’s method. It accepts an iterable of InsertOne, UpdateOne, … from pymongo.operations, packs them into batches and returns aggregated response from MongoDB.
  • codec_options properties for ConnectionPool, Database and Collection. Collection.with_options(codec_options=CodecOptions(document_class=...)) is now preferred over Collection.find(..., as_class=...).


  • Fixed bug in find() that can cause undefined ordering of the results when sorting on multiple fields is requested.

Release 16.1.0 (2016-06-15)

API Changes

  • insert_many() raises BulkWriteError instead WriteError/DuplicateKeyError to match PyMongo’s behavior. This is also allows to extract multiple duplicate key errors from exception object when insert_many is used with ordered=False.
  • fields parameter removed for Collection.count().
  • ConnectionPool has two new parameters: watchdog_interval which is how many seconds before testing a connection to see if it is stale, and ``watchdog_timeout``is how long the check takes before dropping the stale connection and try to reconnect.


  • Stale connections are now dropped after failing to contact mongodb longer than watchdog_timeout.
  • insert_many() is now able to insert more than 1000 documents and more than 16Mb of documents at once.
  • GridFS’s default chunkSize changed to 255kB, to avoid the overhead with usePowerOf2Sizes option.
  • Add GridFS.indexes_created to obtain a defer on the creation of the current GridFS instance’s indexes
  • GridFS create indexes for the files collection in addition to the chunks one

Release 16.0.1 (2016-03-03)


  • Make existing logging more verbose, indicate that it is TxMongo raising the error or sending the message.
  • Add additional logging.

Release 16.0.0 (2016-02-25)


  • Memory leak fixed in find_with_cursor that affected almost all query methods

Release 15.3.1 (2015-10-26)

API Changes

  • connection.ConnectionPool exposes max_delay which is used to set the maximum number of seconds between connection attempts. The default is set to 60.


  • Updated and simplified, enforce minimal versions of PyMongo and Twisted necessary to install TxMongo.

Release 15.3.0 (2015-09-29)

API Changes

  • NotMaster instead of AutoReconnect error will be returned when a call can be safely retried.


  • Added deadline to collection methods, this will raise a DeadlineExceeded when the deadline, a unix timestamp in seconds, is exceeded. This happens only in methods with getprotocol() and methods that reference them.
  • Added timeout to collection methods, this will raise a TimeoutExceeded when the timeout, in seconds, is exceeded. This happens only in methods with getprotocol() and methods that reference them.


  • Fixed collection.count() to return an int instead of float, this matches how count in with PyMongo.

Release 15.2.2 (2015-09-15)

Bugfix release to handle str assert that wasn’t passing unicode properly in python 2.6, used Twisted compat library StringType.

Release 15.2.1 (2015-09-07)

Bugfix release to handle uncaught exceptions in logging and to remove support for python 2.6 and since it was removed in latest Twisted.

Release 15.2 (2015-09-05)

This release makes TxMongo fully Python3 compatible and has an API change that breaks older TxMongo compatibility by bringing it inline with PyMongo.

API Changes

  • txmongo.dbref removed. Use bson.dbref instead. Incompatibility note: bson.dbref.DBRef takes collection name as string while txmongo.dbref.DBRef was able to accept Collection instance. Please use instead.
  • Added timeout parameter for connection.ConnectionPool that can passed on to Twisted’s connectTCP and connectSSL methods.


  • name, full_name and database properties of Collection
  • Python3 compatible.

Release 15.1 (2015-06-08)

This is a major release in that while increasing code coverage to 95% ( see ), we’ve also caught several bugs, added features and changed functionality to be more inline with PyMongo.

This is no small thanks to travis-ci and coveralls while using tox to cover all iterations that we support.

We can officially say that we are Python 2.6, 2.7 and PyPy compatible.

API Changes

  • TxMongo now requires PyMongo 3.x, if you need PyMongo 2.x support, please use 15.0, otherwise it is highgly recommend to use PyMongo 3.x which still support MongoDB 2.6.
  • Better handling of replica-sets, we now raise an autoreconnect when master is unreachable.
  • Changed the behaviour of find_one to return None instead of an empty dict {} when no result is found.
  • New-style query methods: insert_one/many, update_one/many, delete_one/many, replace_one and find_one_and_update/replace


  • Added db.command function, just like PyMongo.
  • Added support for named indexes in filter.
  • insert(), update(), save() and remove() now support write-concern options via named args: w, wtimeout, j, fsync. safe argument is still supported for backward compatibility.
  • Default write-concern can be specified for Connection using named arguments in constructor or by URI options.
  • Write-concern options can also be set for Database and Collection with write_concern named argument of their constructors. In this case write-concern is specified by instance of pymongo.write_concern.WriteConcern
  • txmongo.protocol.INSERT_CONTINUE_ON_ERROR flag defined for using with insert()
  • Replaced all traditional deferred callbacks (and errbacks) to use @defer.inlineCallbacks


  • Fixed typo in map_reduce() when returning results.
  • Fixed hang in create_collection() in case of error.
  • Fixed typo in rename() that wasn’t using the right factory.
  • Fixed exception in drop_index that was being thrown when dropping a non-existent collection. This makes the function idempotent.
  • Fixed URI prefixing when “mongodb://” is not present in URI string in connection.
  • Fixed fail-over when using replica-sets in connection. It now raises autoreconnect when there is a problem with the existing master. It is then up to the client code to reconnect to the new master.
  • Fixed number of cursors in protocol so that it works with py2.6, py2.6 and pypy.

Release 15.0 (2015-05-04)

This is the first release using the Twisted versioning method.

API Changes

  • collections.index_information now mirrors PyMongo’s method.
  • getrequestid is now get_request_id



  • Fixed failing tests due to changes in Python in 2.6
  • Fixed limit not being respected, which should help performance.
  • Find now closes MongoDB cursors.
  • Fixed ‘hint’ filter to correctly serialize with double dollar signs.

Improved Documentation

Release 0.6 (2015-01-23)

This is the last release in this version scheme, we’ll be switching to the Twisted version scheme in the next release.

API Changes

  • TxMongo: None


  • Added SSL support using Twisted SSLContext factory
  • Added “find with cursor” like pymongo
  • Test coverage is now measured. We’re currently at around 78%.


  • Fixed import in

Release 0.5 (2014-10-02)

Code review and cleanup


  • Bug fixes

Release 0.4 (2013-01-07)

Significant performance improvements.

API Changes

  • TxMongo: None


  • Support AutoReconnect to connect to fail-over master.
  • Use pymongo instead of in-tree copy.


  • Bug fixes

Release 0.3 (2010-09-13)

Initial release.


  • Apache 2.0