Source code for txmongo.collection

# Copyright 2009-2015 The TxMongo Developers.  All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by the Apache License that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division
import io
import struct
import bson
import collections
from bson import BSON, ObjectId
from bson.code import Code
from bson.son import SON
from pymongo.errors import InvalidName, BulkWriteError
from pymongo.helpers import _check_write_command_response
from pymongo.results import InsertOneResult, InsertManyResult, UpdateResult, \
from pymongo.common import validate_ok_for_update, validate_ok_for_replace, \
    validate_is_mapping, validate_boolean
from pymongo.collection import ReturnDocument
from pymongo.write_concern import WriteConcern
    Query, Getmore, Insert, Update, Delete, KillCursors, INSERT_CONTINUE_ON_ERROR
from txmongo.utils import check_deadline, timeout
from txmongo import filter as qf
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.python.compat import unicode, comparable

[docs]class Collection(object): """Creates new :class:`Collection` object :param database: the :class:`Database` instance to get collection from :param name: the name of the collection to get :param write_concern: An instance of :class:`pymongo.write_concern.WriteConcern`. If ``None``, ``database.write_concern`` is used. """ def __init__(self, database, name, write_concern=None): if not isinstance(name, (bytes, unicode)): raise TypeError("TxMongo: name must be an instance of (bytes, unicode).") if not name or ".." in name: raise InvalidName("TxMongo: collection names cannot be empty.") if "$" in name and not (name.startswith("oplog.$main") or name.startswith("$cmd")): msg = "TxMongo: collection names must not contain '$', '{0}'".format(repr(name)) raise InvalidName(msg) if name[0] == "." or name[-1] == ".": msg = "TxMongo: collection names must not start or end with '.', '{0}'".format(repr(name)) raise InvalidName(msg) if "\x00" in name: raise InvalidName("TxMongo: collection names must not contain the null character.") self._database = database self._collection_name = unicode(name) self.__write_concern = write_concern def __str__(self): return "%s.%s" % (str(self._database), self._collection_name) def __repr__(self): return "Collection(%s, %s)" % (self._database, self._collection_name) @property def full_name(self): """Full name of this :class:`Collection`, i.e. `db_name.collection_name`""" return '{0}.{1}'.format(str(self._database), self._collection_name) @property def name(self): """Name of this :class:`Collection` (without database name).""" return self._collection_name @property def database(self): """The :class:`~txmongo.database.Database` that this :class:`Collection` is a part of.""" return self._database def __getitem__(self, collection_name): """Get a sub-collection of this collection by name.""" return Collection(self._database, "%s.%s" % (self._collection_name, collection_name)) def __cmp__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Collection): def cmp(a, b): return (a > b) - (a < b) return cmp((self._database, self._collection_name), (other._database, other._collection_name)) return NotImplemented def __getattr__(self, collection_name): """Get a sub-collection of this collection by name.""" return self[collection_name] def __call__(self, collection_name): """Get a sub-collection of this collection by name.""" return self[collection_name] @property def write_concern(self): """Read only access to the :class:`~pymongo.write_concern.WriteConcern` of this instance. Use ``coll.with_options(write_concern=WriteConcern(...))`` to change the Write Concern. """ return self.__write_concern or self._database.write_concern
[docs] def with_options(self, **kwargs): """Get a clone of collection changing the specified settings. :param write_concern: *(keyword only)* new :class:`~pymongo.write_concern.WriteConcern` to use. """ # PyMongo's method gets several positional arguments. We support # only write_concern for now which is the 3rd positional argument. # So we are using **kwargs here to force user's code to specify # write_concern as named argument, so adding other args in future # won't break compatibility write_concern = kwargs.get("write_concern") or self.__write_concern return Collection(self._database, self._collection_name, write_concern=write_concern)
@staticmethod def _normalize_fields_projection(fields): """ transform a list of fields from ["a", "b"] to {"a":1, "b":1} """ if fields is None: return None if isinstance(fields, dict): return fields # Consider fields as iterable as_dict = {} for field in fields: if not isinstance(field, (bytes, unicode)): raise TypeError("TxMongo: fields must be a list of key names.") as_dict[field] = 1 if not as_dict: # Empty list should be treated as "_id only" as_dict = {"_id": 1} return as_dict @staticmethod def _gen_index_name(keys): return u'_'.join([u"%s_%s" % item for item in keys]) @timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def options(self, **kwargs): """Get the options set on this collection. :returns: :class:`Deferred` that called back with dictionary of options and their values. *This method only works with MongoDB 2.x* """ result = yield self._database.system.namespaces.find_one({"name": str(self)}, **kwargs) if not result: result = {} options = result.get("options", {}) if "create" in options: del options["create"] defer.returnValue(options)
@timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def find(self, spec=None, skip=0, limit=0, fields=None, filter=None, cursor=False, **kwargs): """Find documents in a collection. The `spec` argument is a MongoDB query document. To return all documents in a collection, omit this parameter or pass an empty document (``{}``). You can pass ``{"key": "value"}`` to select documents having ``key`` field equal to ``"value"`` or use any of `MongoDB's query selectors <>`_. Ordering, indexing hints and other query parameters can be set with `filter` argument. See :mod:`txmongo.filter` for details. :param skip: the number of documents to omit from the start of the result set. :param limit: the maximum number of documents to return. All documents are returned when `limit` is zero. :param fields: a list of field names that should be returned for each document in the result set or a dict specifying field names to include or exclude. If `fields` is a list ``_id`` fields will always be returned. Use a dict form to exclude fields: ``fields={"_id": False}``. :param as_class: *(keyword only)* if not ``None``, returned documents will be converted to type specified. For example, you can use ``as_class=collections.OrderedDict`` or ``as_class=bson.SON`` when field ordering in documents is important. :returns: an instance of :class:`Deferred` that called back with one of: - if `cursor` is ``False`` (the default) --- all documents found - if `cursor` is ``True`` --- tuple of ``(docs, dfr)``, where ``docs`` is a partial result, returned by MongoDB in a first batch and ``dfr`` is a :class:`Deferred` that fires with next ``(docs, dfr)``. Last result will be ``([], None)``. Using this mode you can iterate over the result set with code like that: :: @defer.inlineCallbacks def query(): docs, dfr = yield coll.find(query, cursor=True) while docs: for doc in docs: do_something(doc) docs, dfr = yield dfr """ docs, dfr = yield self.find_with_cursor(spec=spec, skip=skip, limit=limit, fields=fields, filter=filter, **kwargs) if cursor: defer.returnValue((docs, dfr)) result = [] while docs: result.extend(docs) docs, dfr = yield dfr defer.returnValue(result)
@staticmethod def __apply_find_filter(spec, c_filter): if c_filter: if "query" not in spec: spec = {"$query": spec} for k, v in c_filter.items(): if isinstance(v, (list, tuple)): spec['$' + k] = dict(v) else: spec['$' + k] = v return spec @timeout
[docs] def find_with_cursor(self, spec=None, skip=0, limit=0, fields=None, filter=None, **kwargs): """Find documents in a collection and return them in one batch at a time This methid is equivalent of :meth:`find()` with `cursor=True`. See :meth:`find()` for description of parameters and return value. """ if spec is None: spec = SON() if not isinstance(spec, dict): raise TypeError("TxMongo: spec must be an instance of dict.") if not isinstance(fields, (dict, list)) and fields is not None: raise TypeError("TxMongo: fields must be an instance of dict or list.") if not isinstance(skip, int): raise TypeError("TxMongo: skip must be an instance of int.") if not isinstance(limit, int): raise TypeError("TxMongo: limit must be an instance of int.") fields = self._normalize_fields_projection(fields) spec = self.__apply_find_filter(spec, filter) as_class = kwargs.get("as_class", dict) proto = self._database.connection.getprotocol() def after_connection(protocol): flags = kwargs.get("flags", 0) check_deadline(kwargs.pop("_deadline", None)) query = Query(flags=flags, collection=str(self), n_to_skip=skip, n_to_return=limit, query=spec, fields=fields) deferred_query = protocol.send_QUERY(query) deferred_query.addCallback(after_reply, protocol, after_reply) return deferred_query # this_func argument is just a reference to after_reply function itself. # after_reply can reference to itself directly but this will create a circular # reference between closure and function object which will add unnecessary # work for GC. def after_reply(reply, protocol, this_func, fetched=0): documents = reply.documents docs_count = len(documents) if limit > 0: docs_count = min(docs_count, limit - fetched) fetched += docs_count options = bson.codec_options.CodecOptions(document_class=as_class) out = [document.decode(codec_options=options) for document in documents[:docs_count]] if reply.cursor_id: if limit == 0: to_fetch = 0 # no limit elif limit < 0: # We won't actually get here because MongoDB won't # create cursor when limit < 0 to_fetch = None else: to_fetch = limit - fetched if to_fetch <= 0: to_fetch = None # close cursor if to_fetch is None: protocol.send_KILL_CURSORS(KillCursors(cursors=[reply.cursor_id])) return out, defer.succeed(([], None)) next_reply = protocol.send_GETMORE(Getmore( collection=str(self), cursor_id=reply.cursor_id, n_to_return=to_fetch )) next_reply.addCallback(this_func, protocol, this_func, fetched) return out, next_reply return out, defer.succeed(([], None)) proto.addCallback(after_connection) return proto
@timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def find_one(self, spec=None, fields=None, **kwargs): """Get a single document from the collection. All arguments to :meth:`find()` are also valid for :meth:`find_one()`, although `limit` will be ignored. :returns: a :class:`Deferred` that called back with single document or ``None`` if no matching documents is found. """ if isinstance(spec, ObjectId): spec = {"_id": spec} kwargs.pop("limit", None) # do not conflict hard limit result = yield self.find( spec=spec, limit=1, fields=fields, **kwargs) defer.returnValue(result[0] if result else None)
@timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def count(self, spec=None, **kwargs): """Get the number of documents in this collection. :param spec: argument is a query document that selects which documents to count in the collection. :param hint: *(keyword only)* :class:`~txmongo.filter.hint` instance specifying index to use. :returns: a :class:`Deferred` that called back with a number of documents matching the criteria. """ result = yield self._database.command("count", self._collection_name, query=spec or SON(), **kwargs) defer.returnValue(int(result["n"]))
@timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def group(self, keys, initial, reduce, condition=None, finalize=None, **kwargs): body = { "ns": self._collection_name, "initial": initial, "$reduce": Code(reduce), } if isinstance(keys, (bytes, unicode)): body["$keyf"] = Code(keys) else: body["key"] = self._normalize_fields_projection(keys) if condition: body["cond"] = condition if finalize: body["finalize"] = Code(finalize) result = yield self._database.command("group", body, **kwargs) defer.returnValue(result)
@timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def filemd5(self, spec, **kwargs): if not isinstance(spec, ObjectId): raise ValueError("TxMongo: filemd5 expected an objectid for its non-keyword argument.") result = yield self._database.command("filemd5", spec, root=self._collection_name, **kwargs) defer.returnValue(result.get("md5"))
def _get_write_concern(self, safe=None, **options): from_opts = WriteConcern(options.get("w"), options.get("wtimeout"), options.get("j"), options.get("fsync")) if from_opts.document: return from_opts if safe is None: return self.write_concern elif safe: if self.write_concern.acknowledged: return self.write_concern else: # Edge case: MongoConnection(w=0).db.coll.insert(..., safe=True) # In this case safe=True must issue getLastError without args # even if connection-level write concern was unacknowledged return WriteConcern() return WriteConcern(w=0) @timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def insert(self, docs, safe=None, flags=0, **kwargs): """Insert a document(s) into this collection. *Please consider using new-style* :meth:`insert_one()` *or* :meth:`insert_many()` *methods instead.* If document doesn't have ``"_id"`` field, :meth:`insert()` will generate new :class:`~bson.ObjectId` and set it to ``"_id"`` field of the document. :param docs: Document or a list of documents to insert into a collection. :param safe: ``True`` or ``False`` forces usage of respectively acknowledged or unacknowledged Write Concern. If ``None``, :attr:`write_concern` is used. :param flags: If zero (default), inserting will stop after the first error encountered. When ``flags`` set to :const:`txmongo.protocol.INSERT_CONTINUE_ON_ERROR`, MongoDB will try to insert all documents passed even if inserting some of them will fail (for example, because of duplicate ``_id``). Not that :meth:`insert()` won't raise any errors when this flag is used. :returns: :class:`Deferred` that fires with single ``_id`` field or a list of ``_id`` fields of inserted documents. """ if isinstance(docs, dict): ids = docs.get("_id", ObjectId()) docs["_id"] = ids docs = [docs] elif isinstance(docs, list): ids = [] for doc in docs: if isinstance(doc, dict): oid = doc.get("_id", ObjectId()) ids.append(oid) doc["_id"] = oid else: raise TypeError("TxMongo: insert takes a document or a list of documents.") else: raise TypeError("TxMongo: insert takes a document or a list of documents.") docs = [BSON.encode(d) for d in docs] insert = Insert(flags=flags, collection=str(self), documents=docs) proto = yield self._database.connection.getprotocol() check_deadline(kwargs.pop("_deadline", None)) proto.send_INSERT(insert) write_concern = self._get_write_concern(safe, **kwargs) if write_concern.acknowledged: yield proto.get_last_error(str(self._database), **write_concern.document) defer.returnValue(ids)
@defer.inlineCallbacks def _insert_one_or_many(self, documents, ordered=True, **kwargs): if self.write_concern.acknowledged: inserted_ids = [] for doc in documents: if "_id" not in doc: doc["_id"] = ObjectId() inserted_ids.append(doc["_id"]) command = SON([("insert", self._collection_name), ("documents", documents), ("ordered", ordered), ("writeConcern", self.write_concern.document)]) response = yield self._database.command(command, **kwargs) else: # falling back to OP_INSERT in case of unacknowledged op flags = INSERT_CONTINUE_ON_ERROR if not ordered else 0 inserted_ids = yield self.insert(documents, flags=flags, **kwargs) response = None defer.returnValue((inserted_ids, response)) @timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def insert_one(self, document, **kwargs): """Insert a single document into collection :param document: Document to insert :returns: :class:`Deferred` that called back with :class:`pymongo.results.InsertOneResult` """ inserted_ids, response = yield self._insert_one_or_many([document], **kwargs) if response: _check_write_command_response([[0, response]]) defer.returnValue(InsertOneResult(inserted_ids[0], self.write_concern.acknowledged))
@staticmethod def _generate_insert_many_batches(collname, documents, ordered, write_concern, max_bson, max_count): # Takes a list of documents and generates one or many `insert` commands # with documents list in each command is less or equal to max_bson bytes # and contains less or equal documents than max_count # Manually composing command in BSON form because this way we can # perform costly documents serialization only once msg = SON([("insert", collname), ("ordered", ordered), ("writeConcern", write_concern.document)]) buf = io.BytesIO() buf.write(BSON.encode(msg)), io.SEEK_END) # -1 because we don't need final NUL from partial command buf.write(b'\x04documents\x00') # type and name of 'documents' array docs_start = buf.tell() buf.write(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00') # 'documents' length placeholder def prepare_command(): docs_end = buf.tell() + 1 # +1 for final NUL for 'documents' buf.write(b'\x00\x00') # final NULs for 'documents' and the command itself total_length = buf.tell() # writing 'documents' length buf.write(struct.pack('<i', docs_end - docs_start)) # writing total message length buf.write(struct.pack('<i', total_length)) return BSON(buf.getvalue()) idx = 0 for doc in documents: key = str(idx).encode('ascii') value = BSON.encode(doc) enough_size = buf.tell() + len(key)+2 + len(value) - docs_start > max_bson enough_count = idx >= max_count if enough_size or enough_count: yield prepare_command() + 4) buf.truncate() idx = 0 key = b'0' buf.write(b'\x03' + key + b'\x00') # type and key of document buf.write(value) idx += 1 yield prepare_command() @timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def insert_many(self, documents, ordered=True, **kwargs): """Insert an iterable of documents into collection :param documents: An iterable of documents to insert (``list``, ``tuple``, ...) :param ordered: If ``True`` (the default) documents will be inserted on the server serially, in the order provided. If an error occurs, all remaining inserts are aborted. If ``False``, documents will be inserted on the server in arbitrary order, possibly in parallel, and all document inserts will be attempted. :returns: :class:`Deferred` that called back with :class:`pymongo.results.InsertManyResult` """ inserted_ids = [] for doc in documents: if isinstance(doc, collections.Mapping): inserted_ids.append(doc.setdefault("_id", ObjectId())) else: raise TypeError("TxMongo: insert_many takes list of documents.") cmd_collname = str(self._database["$cmd"]) proto = yield self._database.connection.getprotocol() error = { "nInserted": 0, "writeErrors": [], "writeConcernErrors": [] } def accumulate_response(reply): response = reply.documents[0].decode() error["nInserted"] += response.get('n', 0) error["writeErrors"].extend(response.get("writeErrors", [])) if "writeConcernError" in response: error["writeConcernErrors"].append(response["writeConcernError"]) def has_errors(): return error["writeErrors"] or error["writeConcernErrors"] def raise_error(): error["writeErrors"].sort(key=lambda error: error["index"]) for write_error in error["writeErrors"]: write_error[u"op"] = documents[write_error["index"]] raise BulkWriteError(error) # There are four major cases with different behavior of insert_many: # * Unack, Unordered: sending all batches and not handling responses at all # so ignoring any errors # # * Ack, Unordered: sending all batches, accumulating all responses and # returning aggregated response # # * Unack, Ordered: handling DB responses despite unacknowledged write_concern # because we must stop on first error (not raising it though) # # * Ack, Ordered: stopping on first error and raising BulkWriteError actual_write_concern = self.write_concern if ordered and self.write_concern.acknowledged is False: actual_write_concern = WriteConcern(w=1) batches = self._generate_insert_many_batches(self._collection_name, documents, ordered, actual_write_concern, proto.max_bson_size, proto.max_write_batch_size) all_responses = [] for batch in batches: batch_result = proto.send_QUERY(Query(collection=cmd_collname, query=batch)) if self.write_concern.acknowledged or ordered: batch_result.addCallback(accumulate_response) if ordered: yield batch_result if has_errors(): if self.write_concern.acknowledged: raise_error() else: break else: all_responses.append(batch_result) if self.write_concern.acknowledged and not ordered: yield defer.DeferredList(all_responses) if has_errors(): raise_error() defer.returnValue(InsertManyResult(inserted_ids, self.write_concern.acknowledged))
@timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def update(self, spec, document, upsert=False, multi=False, safe=None, flags=0, **kwargs): """Update document(s) in this collection *Please consider using new-style* :meth:`update_one()`, :meth:`update_many()` and :meth:`replace_one()` *methods instead.* :raises TypeError: if `spec` or `document` are not instances of `dict` or `upsert` is not an instance of `bool`. :param spec: query document that selects documents to be updated :param document: update document to be used for updating or upserting. See `MongoDB Update docs <>`_ for the format of this document and allowed operators. :param upsert: perform an upsert if ``True`` :param multi: update all documents that match `spec`, rather than just the first matching document. The default value is ``False``. :param safe: ``True`` or ``False`` forces usage of respectively acknowledged or unacknowledged Write Concern. If ``None``, :attr:`write_concern` is used. :returns: :class:`Deferred` that is called back when request is sent to MongoDB or confirmed by MongoDB (depending on selected Write Concern). """ if not isinstance(spec, dict): raise TypeError("TxMongo: spec must be an instance of dict.") if not isinstance(document, dict): raise TypeError("TxMongo: document must be an instance of dict.") if not isinstance(upsert, bool): raise TypeError("TxMongo: upsert must be an instance of bool.") if multi: flags |= UPDATE_MULTI if upsert: flags |= UPDATE_UPSERT spec = BSON.encode(spec) document = BSON.encode(document) update = Update(flags=flags, collection=str(self), selector=spec, update=document) proto = yield self._database.connection.getprotocol() check_deadline(kwargs.pop("_deadline", None)) proto.send_UPDATE(update) write_concern = self._get_write_concern(safe, **kwargs) if write_concern.acknowledged: ret = yield proto.get_last_error(str(self._database), **write_concern.document) defer.returnValue(ret)
@defer.inlineCallbacks def _update(self, filter, update, upsert, multi, **kwargs): validate_is_mapping("filter", filter) validate_boolean("upsert", upsert) if self.write_concern.acknowledged: updates = [SON([('q', filter), ('u', update), ("upsert", upsert), ("multi", multi)])] command = SON([("update", self._collection_name), ("updates", updates), ("writeConcern", self.write_concern.document)]) raw_response = yield self._database.command(command, **kwargs) _check_write_command_response([[0, raw_response]]) # Extract upserted_id from returned array if raw_response.get("upserted"): raw_response["upserted"] = raw_response["upserted"][0]["_id"] else: yield self.update(filter, update, upsert=upsert, multi=multi, **kwargs) raw_response = None defer.returnValue(raw_response) @timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def update_one(self, filter, update, upsert=False, **kwargs): """Update a single document matching the filter. :raises ValueError: if `update` document is empty. :raises ValueError: if `update` document has any fields that don't start with `$` sign. This method only allows *modification* of document (with `$set`, `$inc`, etc.), not *replacing* it. For replacing use :meth:`replace_one()` instead. :param filter: A query that matches the document to update. :param update: update document to be used for updating or upserting. See `MongoDB Update docs <>`_ for allowed operators. :param upsert: If ``True``, perform an insert if no documents match the `filter`. :returns: deferred instance of :class:`pymongo.results.UpdateResult`. """ validate_ok_for_update(update) raw_response = yield self._update(filter, update, upsert, multi=False, **kwargs) defer.returnValue(UpdateResult(raw_response, self.write_concern.acknowledged))
@timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def update_many(self, filter, update, upsert=False, **kwargs): """Update one or more documents that match the filter. :raises ValueError: if `update` document is empty. :raises ValueError: if `update` document has fields that don't start with `$` sign. This method only allows *modification* of document (with `$set`, `$inc`, etc.), not *replacing* it. For replacing use :meth:`replace_one()` instead. :param filter: A query that matches the documents to update. :param update: update document to be used for updating or upserting. See `MongoDB Update docs <>`_ for allowed operators. :param upsert: If ``True``, perform an insert if no documents match the `filter`. :returns: deferred instance of :class:`pymongo.results.UpdateResult`. """ validate_ok_for_update(update) raw_response = yield self._update(filter, update, upsert, multi=True, **kwargs) defer.returnValue(UpdateResult(raw_response, self.write_concern.acknowledged))
@timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def replace_one(self, filter, replacement, upsert=False, **kwargs): """Replace a single document matching the filter. :raises ValueError: if `update` document is empty :raises ValueError: if `update` document has fields that starts with `$` sign. This method only allows *replacing* document completely. Use :meth:`update_one()` for modifying existing document. :param filter: A query that matches the document to replace. :param replacement: The new document to replace with. :param upsert: If ``True``, perform an insert if no documents match the filter. :returns: deferred instance of :class:`pymongo.results.UpdateResult`. """ validate_ok_for_replace(replacement) raw_response = yield self._update(filter, replacement, upsert, multi=False, **kwargs) defer.returnValue(UpdateResult(raw_response, self.write_concern.acknowledged))
@timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def save(self, doc, safe=None, **kwargs): if not isinstance(doc, dict): raise TypeError("TxMongo: cannot save objects of type {0}".format(type(doc))) oid = doc.get("_id") if oid: result = yield self.update( {"_id": oid}, doc, safe=safe, upsert=True, **kwargs) else: result = yield self.insert(doc, safe=safe, **kwargs) defer.returnValue(result)
@timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def remove(self, spec, safe=None, single=False, flags=0, **kwargs): if isinstance(spec, ObjectId): spec = SON(dict(_id=spec)) if not isinstance(spec, dict): raise TypeError("TxMongo: spec must be an instance of dict, not {0}".format(type(spec))) if single: flags |= DELETE_SINGLE_REMOVE spec = BSON.encode(spec) delete = Delete(flags=flags, collection=str(self), selector=spec) proto = yield self._database.connection.getprotocol() check_deadline(kwargs.pop("_deadline", None)) proto.send_DELETE(delete) write_concern = self._get_write_concern(safe, **kwargs) if write_concern.acknowledged: ret = yield proto.get_last_error(str(self._database), **write_concern.document) defer.returnValue(ret)
@defer.inlineCallbacks def _delete(self, filter, multi, **kwargs): validate_is_mapping("filter", filter) if self.write_concern.acknowledged: deletes = [SON([('q', filter), ("limit", 0 if multi else 1)])] command = SON([("delete", self._collection_name), ("deletes", deletes), ("writeConcern", self.write_concern.document)]) raw_response = yield self._database.command(command, **kwargs) _check_write_command_response([[0, raw_response]]) else: yield self.remove(filter, single=not multi, **kwargs) raw_response = None defer.returnValue(raw_response) @timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def delete_one(self, filter, **kwargs): raw_response = yield self._delete(filter, multi=False, **kwargs) defer.returnValue(DeleteResult(raw_response, self.write_concern.acknowledged))
@timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def delete_many(self, filter, **kwargs): raw_response = yield self._delete(filter, multi=True, **kwargs) defer.returnValue(DeleteResult(raw_response, self.write_concern.acknowledged))
@timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def drop(self, **kwargs): result = yield self._database.drop_collection(self._collection_name, **kwargs) defer.returnValue(result)
[docs] def create_index(self, sort_fields, **kwargs): if not isinstance(sort_fields, qf.sort): raise TypeError("TxMongo: sort_fields must be an instance of filter.sort") if "name" not in kwargs: name = self._gen_index_name(sort_fields["orderby"]) else: name = kwargs.pop("name") key = SON() for k, v in sort_fields["orderby"]: key.update({k: v}) index = SON(dict( ns=str(self), name=name, key=key )) if "drop_dups" in kwargs: kwargs["dropDups"] = kwargs.pop("drop_dups") if "bucket_size" in kwargs: kwargs["bucketSize"] = kwargs.pop("bucket_size") index.update(kwargs) yield self._database.system.indexes.insert(index, safe=True, **kwargs) defer.returnValue(name)
@timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def ensure_index(self, sort_fields, **kwargs): # ensure_index is an alias of create_index since we are not # keeping an index cache same way pymongo does result = yield self.create_index(sort_fields, **kwargs) defer.returnValue(result)
[docs] def drop_index(self, index_identifier, **kwargs): if isinstance(index_identifier, (bytes, unicode)): name = index_identifier elif isinstance(index_identifier, qf.sort): name = self._gen_index_name(index_identifier["orderby"]) else: raise TypeError("TxMongo: index_identifier must be a name or instance of filter.sort") result = yield self._database.command("deleteIndexes", self._collection_name, index=name, allowable_errors=["ns not found"], **kwargs) defer.returnValue(result)
@timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def drop_indexes(self, **kwargs): result = yield self.drop_index("*", **kwargs) defer.returnValue(result)
@timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def index_information(self, **kwargs): raw = yield self._database.system.indexes.find({"ns": str(self)}, **kwargs) info = {} for idx in raw: info[idx["name"]] = idx defer.returnValue(info)
@timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def rename(self, new_name, **kwargs): to = "%s.%s" % (str(self._database), new_name) result = yield self._database("admin").command( "renameCollection", str(self), to=to, **kwargs) defer.returnValue(result)
@timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def distinct(self, key, spec=None, **kwargs): params = {"key": key} if spec: params["query"] = spec params.update(kwargs) result = yield self._database.command("distinct", self._collection_name, **params) defer.returnValue(result.get("values"))
@timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def aggregate(self, pipeline, full_response=False, **kwargs): raw = yield self._database.command( "aggregate", self._collection_name, pipeline=pipeline, **kwargs) if full_response: defer.returnValue(raw) defer.returnValue(raw.get("result"))
@timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def map_reduce(self, map, reduce, full_response=False, **kwargs): params = {"map": map, "reduce": reduce} params.update(**kwargs) raw = yield self._database.command("mapreduce", self._collection_name, **params) if full_response: defer.returnValue(raw) defer.returnValue(raw.get("results"))
@timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def find_and_modify(self, query=None, update=None, upsert=False, **kwargs): no_obj_error = "No matching object found" if not update and not kwargs.get("remove", None): raise ValueError("TxMongo: must either update or remove.") if update and kwargs.get("remove", None): raise ValueError("TxMongo: can't do both update and remove.") params = kwargs # No need to include empty args if query: params["query"] = query if update: params["update"] = update if upsert: params["upsert"] = upsert result = yield self._database.command("findAndModify", self._collection_name, allowable_errors=[no_obj_error], **params) if not result["ok"]: if result["errmsg"] == no_obj_error: defer.returnValue(None) else: # Should never get here because of allowable_errors raise ValueError("TxMongo: unexpected error '{0}'".format(result)) defer.returnValue(result.get("value"))
# Distinct findAndModify utility method is needed because traditional # find_and_modify() accepts `sort` kwarg as dict and passes it to # MongoDB command without conversion. But in find_one_and_* # methods we want to take `filter.sort` instances @defer.inlineCallbacks def _new_find_and_modify(self, filter, projection, sort, upsert=None, return_document=ReturnDocument.BEFORE, **kwargs): validate_is_mapping("filter", filter) if not isinstance(return_document, bool): raise ValueError("TxMongo: return_document must be ReturnDocument.BEFORE " "or ReturnDocument.AFTER") cmd = SON([("findAndModify", self._collection_name), ("query", filter), ("new", return_document)]) cmd.update(kwargs) if projection is not None: cmd["fields"] = self._normalize_fields_projection(projection) if sort is not None: cmd["sort"] = dict(sort["orderby"]) if upsert is not None: validate_boolean("upsert", upsert) cmd["upsert"] = upsert no_obj_error = "No matching object found" result = yield self._database.command(cmd, allowable_errors=[no_obj_error], **kwargs) defer.returnValue(result.get("value")) @timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def find_one_and_delete(self, filter, projection=None, sort=None, **kwargs): result = yield self._new_find_and_modify(filter, projection, sort, remove=True, **kwargs) defer.returnValue(result)
@timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def find_one_and_replace(self, filter, replacement, projection=None, sort=None, upsert=False, return_document=ReturnDocument.BEFORE, **kwargs): validate_ok_for_replace(replacement) result = yield self._new_find_and_modify(filter, projection, sort, upsert, return_document, update=replacement, **kwargs) defer.returnValue(result)
@timeout @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def find_one_and_update(self, filter, update, projection=None, sort=None, upsert=False, return_document=ReturnDocument.BEFORE, **kwargs): validate_ok_for_update(update) result = yield self._new_find_and_modify(filter, projection, sort, upsert, return_document, update=update, **kwargs) defer.returnValue(result)