Source code for txmongo._gridfs.grid_file

# Copyright 2009-2010 10gen, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

"""Tools for representing files stored in GridFS."""

from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import datetime
import math
import os

from io import BytesIO as StringIO

from twisted.python.compat import unicode

from twisted.internet import defer
from txmongo._gridfs.errors import CorruptGridFile
from bson import Binary, ObjectId
from txmongo.collection import Collection

"""Default chunk size, in bytes."""

def _create_property(field_name, docstring,
                     read_only=False, closed_only=False):
    """Helper for creating properties to read/write to files.

    def getter(self):
        if closed_only and not self._closed:
            raise AttributeError("can only get %r on a closed file" %
        return self._file.get(field_name, None)

    def setter(self, value):
        if self._closed:
            raise AttributeError("cannot set %r on a closed file" %
        self._file[field_name] = value

    if read_only:
        docstring += "\n\nThis attribute is read-only."
    elif not closed_only:
        docstring = "%s\n\n%s" % (docstring, "This attribute can only be "
                                             "set before :meth:`close` has been called.")
        docstring = "%s\n\n%s" % (docstring, "This attribute is read-only and "
                                             "can only be read after :meth:`close` "
                                             "has been called.")

    if not read_only and not closed_only:
        return property(getter, setter, doc=docstring)
    return property(getter, doc=docstring)

[docs]class GridIn(object): """Class to write data to GridFS. """ def __init__(self, root_collection, **kwargs): """Write a file to GridFS Application developers should generally not need to instantiate this class directly - instead see the methods provided by :class:`~gridfs.GridFS`. Raises :class:`TypeError` if `root_collection` is not an instance of :class:`~pymongo.collection.Collection`. Any of the file level options specified in the `GridFS Spec <>`_ may be passed as keyword arguments. Any additional keyword arguments will be set as additional fields on the file document. Valid keyword arguments include: - ``"_id"``: unique ID for this file (default: :class:`~pymongo.objectid.ObjectId`) - ``"filename"``: human name for the file - ``"contentType"`` or ``"content_type"``: valid mime-type for the file - ``"chunkSize"`` or ``"chunk_size"``: size of each of the chunks, in bytes (default: 256 kb) :Parameters: - `root_collection`: root collection to write to - `**kwargs` (optional): file level options (see above) """ if not isinstance(root_collection, Collection): raise TypeError("root_collection must be an instance of Collection") # Handle alternative naming if "content_type" in kwargs: kwargs["contentType"] = kwargs.pop("content_type") if "chunk_size" in kwargs: kwargs["chunkSize"] = kwargs.pop("chunk_size") # Defaults kwargs["_id"] = kwargs.get("_id", ObjectId()) kwargs["chunkSize"] = kwargs.get("chunkSize", DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE) object.__setattr__(self, "_coll", root_collection) object.__setattr__(self, "_chunks", root_collection.chunks) object.__setattr__(self, "_file", kwargs) object.__setattr__(self, "_buffer", StringIO()) object.__setattr__(self, "_position", 0) object.__setattr__(self, "_chunk_number", 0) object.__setattr__(self, "_closed", False) @property def closed(self): """Is this file closed? """ return self._closed _id = _create_property("_id", "The ``'_id'`` value for this file.", read_only=True) filename = _create_property("filename", "Name of this file.") content_type = _create_property("contentType", "Mime-type for this file.") length = _create_property("length", "Length (in bytes) of this file.", closed_only=True) chunk_size = _create_property("chunkSize", "Chunk size for this file.", read_only=True) upload_date = _create_property("uploadDate", "Date that this file was uploaded.", closed_only=True) md5 = _create_property("md5", "MD5 of the contents of this file " "(generated on the server).", closed_only=True) def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self._file: return self._file[name] raise AttributeError("GridIn object has no attribute '%s'" % name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): if self._closed: raise AttributeError("cannot set %r on a closed file" % name) object.__setattr__(self, name, value) @defer.inlineCallbacks def __flush_data(self, data): """Flush `data` to a chunk. """ if data: assert (len(data) <= self.chunk_size) chunk = {"files_id": self._file["_id"], "n": self._chunk_number, "data": Binary(data)} # Continue writing after the insert completes (non-blocking) yield self._chunks.insert(chunk) self._chunk_number += 1 self._position += len(data) @defer.inlineCallbacks def __flush_buffer(self): """Flush the buffer contents out to a chunk. """ yield self.__flush_data(self._buffer.getvalue()) self._buffer.close() self._buffer = StringIO() @defer.inlineCallbacks def __flush(self): """Flush the file to the database. """ yield self.__flush_buffer() md5 = yield self._coll.filemd5(self._id) self._file["md5"] = md5 self._file["length"] = self._position self._file["uploadDate"] = datetime.datetime.utcnow() yield self._coll.files.insert(self._file) @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def close(self): """Flush the file and close it. A closed file cannot be written any more. Calling :meth:`close` more than once is allowed. """ if not self._closed: yield self.__flush() self._closed = True
[docs] def write(self, data): """Write data to the file. There is no return value. `data` can be either a string of bytes or a file-like object (implementing :meth:`read`). Due to buffering, the data may not actually be written to the database until the :meth:`close` method is called. Raises :class:`ValueError` if this file is already closed. Raises :class:`TypeError` if `data` is not an instance of :class:`str` or a file-like object. :Parameters: - `data`: string of bytes or file-like object to be written to the file """ if self._closed: raise ValueError("cannot write to a closed file") try: # file-like read = except AttributeError: # string if not isinstance(data, (bytes, unicode)): raise TypeError("can only write strings or file-like objects") if isinstance(data, unicode): try: data = data.encode(self.encoding) except AttributeError: raise TypeError("must specify an encoding for file in " "order to write %s" % data) read = StringIO(data).read if self._buffer.tell() > 0: # Make sure to flush only when _buffer is complete space = self.chunk_size - self._buffer.tell() if space: to_write = read(space) self._buffer.write(to_write) if len(to_write) < space: return # EOF or incomplete yield self.__flush_buffer() to_write = read(self.chunk_size) while to_write and len(to_write) == self.chunk_size: yield self.__flush_data(to_write) to_write = read(self.chunk_size) self._buffer.write(to_write)
[docs] def writelines(self, sequence): """Write a sequence of strings to the file. Does not add separators. """ for line in sequence: yield self.write(line)
def __enter__(self): """Support for the context manager protocol. """ return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): """Support for the context manager protocol. Close the file and allow exceptions to propogate. """ self.close() return False # untrue will propogate exceptions
[docs]class GridOut(object): """Class to read data out of GridFS. """ def __init__(self, root_collection, doc): """Read a file from GridFS Application developers should generally not need to instantiate this class directly - instead see the methods provided by :class:`~gridfs.GridFS`. Raises :class:`TypeError` if `root_collection` is not an instance of :class:`~pymongo.collection.Collection`. :Parameters: - `root_collection`: root collection to read from - `file_id`: value of ``"_id"`` for the file to read """ if not isinstance(root_collection, Collection): raise TypeError("root_collection must be an instance of Collection") self.__chunks = root_collection.chunks self._file = doc self.__current_chunk = -1 self.__buffer = b'' self.__position = 0 _id = _create_property("_id", "The ``'_id'`` value for this file.", True) name = _create_property("filename", "Name of this file.", True) content_type = _create_property("contentType", "Mime-type for this file.", True) length = _create_property("length", "Length (in bytes) of this file.", True) chunk_size = _create_property("chunkSize", "Chunk size for this file.", True) upload_date = _create_property("uploadDate", "Date that this file was first uploaded.", True) aliases = _create_property("aliases", "List of aliases for this file.", True) metadata = _create_property("metadata", "Metadata attached to this file.", True) md5 = _create_property("md5", "MD5 of the contents of this file " "(generated on the server).", True) def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self._file: return self._file[name] raise AttributeError("GridOut object has no attribute '%s'" % name) @defer.inlineCallbacks
[docs] def read(self, size=-1): """Read at most `size` bytes from the file (less if there isn't enough data). The bytes are returned as an instance of :class:`str`. If `size` is negative or omitted all data is read. :Parameters: - `size` (optional): the number of bytes to read """ if size: remainder = int(self.length) - self.__position if size < 0 or size > remainder: size = remainder data = self.__buffer chunk_number = (len(data) + self.__position) / self.chunk_size while len(data) < size: chunk = yield self.__chunks.find_one({"files_id": self._id, "n": chunk_number}) if not chunk: raise CorruptGridFile("no chunk #%d" % chunk_number) if not data: data += chunk["data"][self.__position % self.chunk_size:] else: data += chunk["data"] chunk_number += 1 self.__position += size to_return = data[:size] self.__buffer = data[size:] defer.returnValue(to_return)
[docs] def tell(self): """Return the current position of this file. """ return self.__position
[docs] def seek(self, pos, whence=os.SEEK_SET): """Set the current position of this file. :Parameters: - `pos`: the position (or offset if using relative positioning) to seek to - `whence` (optional): where to seek from. :attr:`os.SEEK_SET` (``0``) for absolute file positioning, :attr:`os.SEEK_CUR` (``1``) to seek relative to the current position, :attr:`os.SEEK_END` (``2``) to seek relative to the file's end. """ if whence == os.SEEK_SET: new_pos = pos elif whence == os.SEEK_CUR: new_pos = self.__position + pos elif whence == os.SEEK_END: new_pos = int(self.length) + pos else: raise IOError(22, "Invalid value for `whence`") if new_pos < 0: raise IOError(22, "Invalid value for `pos` - must be positive") self.__position = new_pos
[docs] def close(self): self.__buffer = '' self.__current_chunk = -1
def __repr__(self): return str(self._file)
[docs]class GridOutIterator(object): def __init__(self, grid_out, chunks): self.__id = grid_out._id self.__chunks = chunks self.__current_chunk = 0 self.__max_chunk = math.ceil(float(grid_out.length) / grid_out.chunk_size) def __iter__(self): return self @defer.inlineCallbacks def __next__(self): if self.__current_chunk >= self.__max_chunk: raise StopIteration chunk = yield self.__chunks.find_one({"files_id": self.__id, "n": self.__current_chunk}) if not chunk: raise CorruptGridFile("no chunk #%d" % self.__current_chunk) self.__current_chunk += 1 defer.returnValue(bytes(chunk["data"])) next = __next__